ASTROBEAM is a system on the ASTRONIZE platform designed primarily to adjust the exchange rate between TSX Coin and TSX Token to be suitable for the game's situation and to create a balance between demand and supply.

Exchange rate from TSX Coin → TSX Token

  • The initial exchange rate will be set at 100 TSX Coin = 1 TSX Token.

  • This exchange rate will be calculated every 12 hours at 00:00 (GMT+7) and 12:00 (GMT+7) each day.

TSX Coin → TSX Token Exchange Rate Calculation Formula

XM = The amount of TSX Token minted during the calculation period.

NE = The number of TSX Tokens used to purchase NFT In-game Items on the ASTRONIZE Web Shop during the calculation period.

XF = The amount of TSX Tokens used as exchange fees for successful exchanges on the ASTRONIZE Market during the calculation period.

XR = The number of TSX Tokens exchanged back to TSX Coin during the calculation period.

TSX Token → TSX Coin Exchange Rate Calculation Formula

CER = The new exchange rate from TSX Token → TSX Coin.

BR = The burn rate of TSX Token per exchange, with the initial value set at 0.2 (20%).

Daily TSX Token Creation Limit

Policy on Intervention in Emergency Situations

ASTRONIZE platform is committed to ensuring the smooth operation of its ecosystem, including the TSX game, and providing equitable benefits to all stakeholders. Therefore, establishing measures is vital to address emergency situations.

Scenarios Covered by Emergency Situations

  • The value of TSX Token decreases by > 70% during the calculation period.

  • The value of TSX Token increases by > 600% during the calculation period.

  • The exchange rate from TSX Coin → TSX Token increases continuously for more than 10 calculation periods.

  • The total number of TSX Coins exchanged back in the game is higher than the total number of TSX Coins used to mint TSX Tokens.

From the above scenarios, when any one of them is met, it is considered to enter an emergency situation, and "Intervention Measures in Emergency Situations" can be activated.

Intervention Measures in Emergency Situations (IMES)

  1. Operation team collects data, assesses the situation, and seeks solutions to address the emergency situation.

  2. Operation team submits a request to Company's Committee to intervene and resolve the emergency situation.

  3. Company's Committee reviews and approves the request.

  4. An announcement is made to inform TSX players at least 24 hours before the intervention, through all communication channels and social media platforms of the TSX game.

  5. Operation team intervenes to resolve the emergency situation.

Last updated