๐Ÿ’ฑHow to convert KUB to KKUB

Bitkub NEXT Wallet

You can transfer KUB coins from Bitkub exchange to your Bitkub NEXT wallet. The KUB coins will be automatically converted to KKUB.

MetaMask Wallet

How to wrap KUB to KKUB via BKC scan

Step 1: Go to the BKC Scan website. Link: https://www.bkcscan.com/

Step 2: Search by the address of Wrapped KUB(KKUB).

โ— Wrapped KUB(KKUB) address: 0x67ebd850304c70d983b2d1b93ea79c7cd6c3f6b5

Step 3: Go to the Write Contract menu.

Step 4: Go to the 6th method which is deposit and enter the amount of KUB you want to wrap as KKUB.

Step 5: Click โ€œWriteโ€ & confirm the transaction in Metamask.

Step 6: Wait for the transaction to be completed.

Step 7: Check the KKUB balance on your Metamask.

Last updated